Joëlle Dubois

Oostendse-Haardstraat 15, 8400, Oostende
Belle Epoque tour

Joëlle Dubois' career has taken off to such an extent that it's a wonder she took the time to train with street artist Han Coussement for The Crystal Ship. Because Dubois, who makes variegated observations of a society obsessed with social media, sexuality and body negativity, has no background in street art herself. However, her work, as comical as it is confrontational, begs for an ever-larger canvas. And what makes this portrait of a Vogue dancer even more special is that it was once stolen as a canvas from an exhibition. Now it hangs nice and safe.

Ostend City Walks

Download the free app ‘Ostend City Walks’ and discover the route of The Crystal Ship with a handy map on your smartphone.